By default the Queue is displayed at the bottom of each site tab group and displays detailed information about individual file transfers, including progress, status, size, etc. During file transfer operations, the number of pending transfers is displayed on the title bar and the tab.

Press the Auto-Hide button (pin icon) on the right side of the title bar to minimize the pane. Depending on the selected Theme, clicking on or hovering over the Queue tab will restore it.

Press the Close button on the right side of the title bar to close the Queue pane, which will also uncheck it on the Show/Hide ribbon group of the View ribbon tab.

Right-click any column to display a popup menu with the following options:

Size Column to Fit

Resizes the selected column width to fit the contents.

Size All Columns to Fit

Resizes all viewable columns to fit the contents of each and, if necessary, enables a horizontal scroll bar.

Column Show/Hide

By default all columns are shown, as indicated with a check-mark and the Destination column is always shown. Deselect any column, other than Destination, to hide or select any hidden column to show.


Below is a list of the available columns:


This is the target site. It could be another FTP site or the local computer. It is displayed as a structured list of folders, providing clear indication of their location. If the destination is the local computer, the folders and files are hyperlinks that will open Windows Explorer to their location on the local computer.


Displays an arrow to indicate whether the file transfer is an upload to the FTP site, or a download from the FTP site.


This is always the current site of this site tab, where the column header will show the site name, login and server name.


Size of the source file.


Shows the percentage of progress for the file transfer and will display green while transfer is in progress or successfully completed, yellow when paused, and red on any error condition.


Current status which is a hyperlink to the portion of the Log for that file transfer.


File transfer speed.

Queue Items

As file transfers are performed they are added to the Queue, allowing the user to monitor the progress and status. Clicking the Status link for an item will open the Log and highlight information pertaining to that file.

Right-click an item in the list to display a popup menu with the following options:

Stop Selected

Cancels the selected file transfer item that is either in progress or waiting to be transferred.

Stop All

Cancels all file transfer items that are either in progress or waiting to be transferred.

Transfer Selected

Resumes transfer of the selected item that was previously canceled.

Transfer All

Resumes transfer of all items that were previously canceled.

Remove Selected

Deletes the selected item from the queue.

Remove All

Deletes all items from the queue and clear the list.

Auto-Remove Completed

Enable to automatically remove items from the queue as they are successfully completed.

Reset Selected

Resets the progress to zero and sets the status to Paused, allowing the user to restart the transfer.