Navigating the files and directories within a site tab may be done with the mouse or keyboard shortcuts using the functions below:



Click the arrow beside folders to expand or collapse.

Back Button

Jump to previous folder in folder navigation history.

Forward Button

Jump to next folder in folder navigation history.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt + D

Sets focus to the path text box.

Alt + Left arrow

Jump to previous folder in folder navigation history.

Alt + Right arrow

Jump to next folder in folder navigation history.

Alt + Up arrow

Go up to the parent of the current folder.


Jump to previous folder in folder navigation history.

Down Arrow

Moves down to the next item in the list.


Jump to the last file/folder in the list.


Cancel a delete operation in progress, which has the same effect as pressing the Cancel button on the ribbon bar.


Jump to the first file/folder in the list.

Left arrow

Collapse the current selection (if it's expanded), or select the parent folder. Has no effect when a file is selected in the files/folders list (right pane).

Page Down

Jumps down the number of items, depending on the current visible list height.

Page Up

Jumps up the number of items, depending on the current visible list height.

Right arrow

Display the current selection (if it's collapsed), or select the first sub-folder. Has no effect when a file is selected in the files/folders list (right pane).

Up Arrow

Moves up to the previous item in the list.