From the Home ribbon tab, click the upper half of the Site Manager button to display the Site Manager dialog, which is used to configure settings for FTP sites.

Once one or more sites have been configured, click the lower half of the Site Manager button to display a list of available sites. A check mark indicates currently open sites, or select an available site from the list to open.

The Site Manager dialog provides the following options/properties:

Site Search (Alt+S)

Enter keywords to filter the site list by site name or by site Tags. Each search is remembered, but can be removed individually by pressing the drop-down arrow and clicking the X (Remove) button next to the entry.

New (Alt+N)
Creates a new site and prompts for the name to be entered. Otherwise, if a name is not provided, it will automatically be assigned as New Site N, where N is the next available numeric value starting with 2.

Duplicate (Alt+D)

Makes a copy of the currently selected site, including all properties. The site name is also duplicated with the next available numeric value appended to it.

Rename (F2)

Allows renaming of the currently selected site.

Delete (Ctrl+D)

Deletes the currently selected site.

Note: the above actions are not saved to Site Manager until either the Connect/Reconnect or OK button is pressed.

Property Search (Alt+F)

Type any keyword to filter the list of properties, making it easier to locate a specific property to view and/or update. Each search is remembered, but can be removed individually by pressing the drop-down arrow and clicking the X (Remove) button next to the entry.

Expand All Categories (NumPad Ctrl+*)

Press to expand all categories and expose every available property.

Collapse All Categories (NumPad Ctrl+/)

Press to collapse all categories and hide every property. Then expand individual categories to expose the associated properties.


When configuring a site that is currently not open, click the Connect button to save the settings, open the site in a new tab and attempt the connection with the host. If the site is already open, click Reconnect to connect a disconnected site, or disconnect a connected site then reestablish the connection with any new settings.


Click to save all Site Manager settings without connecting or adding sites to the current Workspace.


Click to close the Site Manager dialog. If there are unsaved changes, user is prompted to confirm. Choose Yes to confirm or No to return to Site Manager.

The following properties are available when configuring sites:


Host Name/IP
Enter the IP Address or fully qualified host name for the FTP host system to connect to.

Host Port
Enter the TCP listening port for the host, where the valid range is 1 to 65535.

Username to log in to the FTP server. If not provided, user will be prompted to enter once successfully connected to the server. Also, Anonymous can be selected from the drop-down list, which will disable the Password field.


Password to log in to the FTP server. If not provided, user will be prompted to enter once successfully connected to the server.


Number of times to retry when connection is unsuccessful, where the valid range is 0 to 99.

Time out (seconds)
Enter the number of seconds to wait for the FTP host connection to be established before timing out. Valid range is 1 to 3,600 and the default value is 15 seconds.


Enter the account name on the FTP host, if required. Some FTP hosts require providing the account name in addition to username and password.

Default Remote Directory

Enter the name of a valid directory on the host to change to after a successful connection.

File Exists Action
Choose one of the following actions to take if the file already exists during file transfer operations:

  • Prompt (default)
  • Overwrite
  • Resume
  • Rename
  • Skip


Enter keywords to help identify the site during site search. This is helpful when there is a large number of configured sites and you wish to filter them in the site list.


By default set to None. When Implicit or Explicit SSL/TLS is enabled, the connection between FlexFTP and the host is encrypted using SSL or TLS.  Select Explicit to negotiate Transport Layer Security (TLS) through Telnet. Otherwise, select Implicit to request SSL/TLS immediately without Telnet negotiation.

Normally, Implicit SSL/TLS is sufficient for most environments where SSL/TLS is configured on the host for a specific TCP port. Otherwise, if the host is configured with both secure and non-secure on a single port, Explicit should be used.

SSH may also be selected to utilize Secure Shell for encrypting the connection.


SSL/TLS Protocol

Specify the SSL/TLS protocol to use for encryption, where Default will negotiate the highest level available on the host system. If a specific protocol is required, choose from the list. Note that SSL 3 and lower are considered obsolete due to vulnerabilities and should not be used unless required by the host.

Encrypt Data Channel
Enable (default) to encrypt both the control channel and data channel, or disable to encrypt only the control channel.

Server Authentication

Accepted Certificates

Determines which certificate types to accept:


Enable to accept a self-signed server certificate that was not acquired through a certificate authority. (These are common in test environments.)


Enable to accept a server certificate that has expired.

Not Yet Valid

Enable to accept a server certificate that has a future starting date.


Enable to accept a server certificate that is invalid for any reason other than the date or signature. With this option enabled, FlexTerm will not check the validity of the server certificate.

Name Mismatch

Enable to accept certificates where the name provided when the certificate was created does not match the host name. Host names may be either an IP address or a fully qualified DNS name.

Not Accepted Action

Determines how FlexTerm will respond to any items above that are disabled. Items above that are enabled will ignore this option and allow the certificate.

Choose one of the following actions:

    • Ignore and Connect
    • Prompt
    • Do Not Connect
Client Authentication


When enabled, a client certificate will be used to establish an encrypted connection with the host. A local certificate must be specified in order to use this option.

Client Certificate

Select the certificate to use for client authentication from the list of installed certificates. Certificates must be imported to the Microsoft Windows "Personal" Certificate Store before they are available to use with FlexTerm.


Prompt Host Key Fingerprint

Enable (default) to display a dialog containing host key fingerprint for host identity confirmation.

Protocol Options

Compression Level

Choose compression level if supported by the FTP host. Disabled provides the fastest transfer speed while 9 provides the highest level of compression, but is slowest. This setting only affects outgoing data.

Encryption Algorithms

Select which encryption algorithms are allowed where Any is the default.

Host Key Algorithms

Select which host key (server key) algorithms are allowed where Any is the default.

Key Exchange Algorithms

Select which key exchange algorithms are allowed where Any is the default.

Mac Algorithms

Select which message authentication code algorithms are allowed where Any is the default.

Min Diffie Hellman Key Size (bits)

Minimum allowed size of the ephemeral Diffie-Hellman prime. Valid range is 512 to 16,384 and default is 1024.

Min RSA Key Size (bits)

Minimum allowed size of the RSA key. Valid range is 512 to 16,384 and default is 1024.

Private Key Authentication


Enable to utilize a private key for authentication.

Private Key File

Browse for the location of the private key in .pem format.

Private Key Password

Enter the password for the private key if required.

Proxy Type

Select one of the following types of proxies for connecting to the network:

  • SOCKS 4
  • SOCKS 4A
  • SOCKS 5
  • SITE Command
  • USER/PASS Command
  • OPEN Command
  • Double USER/PASS Commands

Proxy Host Name/IP

Enter the host name or IP address of the proxy server.

Proxy Port

Enter the TCP listening port for the proxy server. Valid range is 1 to 65,535.

Proxy Username

Enter the username for logging in to the proxy server.

Proxy Password

Enter the password for logging in to the proxy server.

Passive Mode

Enable (default) to use the passive data transfer mode for initiating the transfer instead of active mode. In active mode, FlexTerm opens a random port, sends the FTP server the random port number on which it is listening over the control channel, then waits for a connection from the FTP server. In passive mode, the FTP server opens a random port, sends FlexTerm the server's IP address to connect to and the port on which it is listening over the control channel, then waits for a connection from FlexTerm.


Select one of the following for encoding and decoding command parameters and server responses, where Default is the encoding for the operating system's current ANSI code page:

  • Default
  • Unicode
  • UTF32
  • UTF7
  • UTF8

Enable Keep Alive

Enable (default) to send a periodic NOOP command to the server to keep the connection from disconnecting.

Keep Alive Timeout (min)

Interval at which a keep alive command is sent, where the valid range is 1 to 60 and the default is 10.

Preserve File Date/Time

Enable to retain the original modified date and time of files as they are transferred. Not supported by all FTP Servers, so may not work as expected when uploading.

Enable Trace

Enable to log diagnostic information to a trace file, which will be located in the Traces sub-folder of the FlexTerm user folder.